Photo by Christina Kennedy


The Wildland Urban Interface is defined as the zone of transition between unoccupied land and human development.

At Ventura Land Trust’s (VLT) two large preserves, Harmon Canyon and Mariano Rancho, the WUI falls on land that VLT owns.

When managing the WUI, VLT has a system for prioritizing resources within this area. Priority number one is preserving human life and property, most often through fuel load reduction. Priority number two is mitigating erosion risk, where applicable, but strategically maintaining deep-rooted shrubs and trees. Priority number three is maintaining the ecological function of the area. Given that protecting life and limb is VLT’s number one priority within the WUI, much of our work in these areas is preventative. As such, VLT works diligently to ensure that all of its properties are maintained to the standards set forth by the City and County of Ventura.

Ventura Land Trust is also committed to promoting ecological literacy along the WUI. By providing educational materials (LINK?) to neighboring landowners, Ventura Land Trust hopes to spread knowledge around native plants, and how they can provide abundant ecosystem services when chosen for landscaping.